Spotlight Press Release
Setec Investigations was featured in two articles regarding intellectual property theft, which were written by Jeff Vance and featured in CIO Update. In the first article, "Protecting IP", which was featured on December 6, 2006, Mr. Vance asked Todd Stefan, Executive Vice President of Setec Investigations, how companies can keep themselves from falling victim to the theft of intellectual property. Mr. Stefan was quoted as saying, "Our advice is to act proactively, rather than reactively. You need to know what your employees are doing. Protect yourself through legal documents, training, technology and systems."
In Mr. Vance's follow up article, "You Suspect IP Theft, Now What?", which was featured on January 18, 2007, Mr. Vance asked Mr. Stefan to provide examples of situations involving the theft of intellectual property that Setec Investigations has directly been involved with. In addition, Mr. Vance quoted Mr. Stefan's advice for what companies should look for if they suspect they have been victims of intellectual property theft. Mr. Stefan was quoted as saying, "If you experience an incident, it's important that your actions don't destroy the very information you're trying to protect… If you find a smoking gun, make sure you take the steps so that it will be admissible in court, if it comes to that."
To learn more about intellectual property theft and to view these articles in total, please access the following links:
"Protecting IP"
"You Suspect IP Theft, Now What?"
About Setec Investigations:
Setec Investigations is a subsidiary of Setec Security, a leading independent provider of vendor neutral information security solutions, incorporating a cross-disciplinary team comprised of computer forensic investigators, attorneys, law enforcement specialists, and seasoned business professionals offering unparalleled expertise in computer forensics and enterprise investigations. Setec Investigations combines today's most advanced computer forensics and litigation support expertise to provide intelligent, effective, and forensically sound computer investigative and litigation support solutions that carefully balance critical investigative requirements with vital legal and evidentiary needs.